1 juli 2020: KRUS har fått nye nettsider

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correctional statistics - forsidebilde

Nordisk statistikk

2009-2013 tilgjengeleg

Tal frå kriminalomrorga i dei nordiske landa er etterspurde internasjonalt, og no har statistikk frå perioden 2009-2013 blitt utgjeve på engelsk som ein KRUS-rapport.

Den nordiske statistikken over kriminalomsorga er eit samarbeid mellom dei nordiske landa.

Her er eit utdrag frå forordet i rapporten (originalspråk er engelsk):

Exact statistical comparability is difficult to attain given that law, practice and methods of data compilation vary between the Nordic countries. Even though present and former members of the Nordic group of statisticians have tried to establish a high level of comparability by carefully working out common definitions over the years, any differences between the countries shown in this report still need to be interpreted with caution. The reader is therefore requested to note carefully the definitions and the footnotes to the tables. The collection and quality assurance of national data published in this edition is a cooperation between Susanne Hildebrandt and Ragnar Kristoffersen. A major part of the definitions and tables were originally written in Swedish. Ragnar Kristoffersen has authored the English text in this publication, with some assistance from his Nordic colleagues.

Dei som ønsker å lese rapporten kan gjere det ved å laste ned ein pdf frå denne sida (Brage/Cora).


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