1 juli 2020: KRUS har fått nye nettsider

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Artikkelpresentasjon 1000x300 5

Om utviklinga av fengselsbetjentyrket

i Noreg og Sverige

Saman med Anders Bruhn, frå Department of Law, Psychology and Social Work, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden og Per Åke Nylander, Department of Law, Psychology and Social Work, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden, har forskingsleder ved KRUS, Berit Johnsen, skrive artikkelen "From prison guards to… what? Occupational development of prison officers in Sweden and Norway", som er åublisert i tidsskriftet Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Crime and Crime Prevention. Artikkelen vart publisert online 20. november, medan den kjem noe seinare i den trykte publikasjonen. Under kan du lese samandraget.

Prison officers are a key group of civil servants in the criminal justice system. Based on a comparative study of the systems for vocational education in Sweden and Norway, this article compares policies and strategies for developing the prison officer occupation. Differences in this domain are analysed against the backdrop of theories about professionalization and growing differences between these countries concerning the ends and means of prison policy in general. Data come from interviews and documents collected in 2013–2014, as well as a rereading of data from two earlier prison-research projects. Results show that Norway is adopting a strategy quite similar to the one behind the birth of the so-called welfare professions during the heyday of the social-democratic welfare state. In Sweden, the continuing division of labour is leading to enhanced skills among some specialized subgroups, such as security and programme staff, but a reduction in qualifications for the majority. The study should be of interest in relation to different strategies for developing the work of prison officers as well as of other categories of public servants. It points to growing differences between two welfare regimes that used to be quite similar, not least concerning the prison policy field.

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